ANZAC Day Flowers

wreath pp

The wreath above was put together by a local Albany Girl Guide Unit for placing at the ANZAC Day Service today and the War Memorial. It featured protea, rosemary and whatever else matched the colour theme from the gardens of Guides and Leaders.

Meanwhile, down at the beach the display of poppies was growing as passers-by added flowers one by one to the commemorative display. Perhaps a silent, personal prayer of gratitude for lives lost or for those wounded in the service of others.

poppies at middleton beach pp

I started to think about how many causes or events are symbolised or use flowers to portray a kind of compassion I guess, not normally associated with concerns, like War for example.

poppies on the beach


2 thoughts on “ANZAC Day Flowers

  1. It is gratifying to see that ANZAC Day is celebrated there in a tactful manner. Veteran’s Day here should be. Instead, it is just another three day weekend that few remember the reason for. The most contemporary holiday is Patriot’s Day, on September 11, but few of us even know it is a holiday! That is really discouraging.


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